Better Fighters?


I am an avid street fighter player, ever since my wee days of gaming I’ve always been in the mix. Whether it be alpha, 3d, or ultra I was always playing. The newest addition to the series is one of the best to me, next to anniversary collection. My biggest problem with number 4 is that some of the fighters seem more well equiped to win. Any of the shouryuken characters seem to have a strength and chain combo advantage over all the other players. Don’t get me wrong, a good player can make something out of anything like I try with my Chun Li but some things just seem unfair. They have projectiles, anti air and anything else you can name to help them win in battle. Not to mention my biggest hate, the Ken’s almighty dragon uppercut that takes more than enough damage. It just seems that some characters were meant to be improvised with and some were meant to dominate. Akuma can shoot a 4 hit fireball while mine at no advantage to it being that way doesnt even make it across the screen. Some times it feels as though I need to play with the shouryuken characters just to compete. But I won’t compromise I just try to exploit the little weakness that they do have.

RE5 Payed Multiplayer?

So if Resident Evil 5 thinks it’s ok to charge for multiplayer. What’s to stop everyone else from charging for multiplayer. If this goes over well for them, who’s to say Gears of War 3 won’t have the “added bonus” of downloadable multiplayer. I know it’s an option to purchase the multiplayer but it is a very questionable tactic as to why. Recession anyone?

Ex Fanboy

As I have supported nintendo over the years they choose to disappointment me more and more since they’ve been on top. I’m glad their selling systems and making money but if you take away the money they aren’tt doing jack shit. No games no online. I’m dying here, well not really cause I have my 360 and Playstation but I would love to play something other than smash on my Wii. They need to get serious, I think it’s too late for this generation because the stones already been thrown with the weak graphics and motion control, so I’m counting on next generation for them to deliver amongst the world of actual games.jungle_mario

Games As an Art

Games as an art have been a long running debate and many have chosen sides, the greater side seeing games as just entertainment. Games as art are a big debate because the youth and content of games sometimes displays immature ideas and provide trivial entertainment. Many people would just relate games to violence and something lazy youth participate in.

Hideo Kojima the creator of the metal gear solid series argues that games are not an art. He being a game designer this was not expected of him. He proclaims that games are further than art. Art is a stand still a one time moment that captures a single moment in time and tries to convey the experience. Games have to capture their audience and provide the experience to them.

He used a museum as an example saying that creating the game would be the same equivalency of being the curator of the museum and trying to provide the best experience for the guest. Roger Ebert being a renowned movie critic is highly against games being called an art and thinks its blasphemy to consider them so.

He exclaimed in one of his interviews “The nature of the medium prevents it from moving beyond craftsmanship [however elegant or sophisticated] to the stature of art. To my knowledge, no one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great dramatists, poets, filmmakers, novelists and composers.

For most gamers, video games represent a loss of those precious hours we have available to make ourselves more cultured, civilized and empathetic. His views since this statement have shifted slightly now saying that they can be regarded as art but not high art.
Art styles in games have started to become a primary focus as to portraying a certain type of style to feed into the gameplay.

An example would be the cartoon style known as cel shaded graphics were used in the legend of Zelda to put more focus on the dazzle part of the game. Link’s eyes could actually be looking at an object in the room so the player would have some indication to a puzzle or prize. Games relate closely to past art primarily in the form of their movements and periods.

The same way the modernism and impressionism were founded is the same way game designers address their projects. You search for new ways to expand and broaden your horizon to give the audience something new the same way early impressionist artist pushed to show their new style. Caravaggio’s light to dark contrast showed his unique style of art and how he chose to portray it.

The same Kojima uses his grainy atmosphere in the metal gear series to give a feel of age and an air unique to his game. Bernini’s sculptures were used to give a new outlook on the old as his sculpture of David portrayed, even extending his expertise and talent into architecture. The same way Will Wright and his sim games brought a new genre to the video game world.

He used his programming knowledge to create what he called toys instead of just modern games. Something a person could play with and modify forever. Peter Paul Rueben’s art focused on his anatomy interacting bodies whether they are male or female. This same love for anatomy of the human body can be found in Miyamoto’s characters and their admirable traits. He is keen on creating characters that are likeable and retain their good through their many trials.

Impressionist paintings were the beginning of a ground breaking era. Their method was unorthodox and not familiar to their normal audience which favored the coloring in the lines method of painting that was realism. Not to say either way was wrong but impressionist paintings were not widely accepted. This movement began with its founder and leader Claude Monet.

The philosophy was expressing one’s perception before nature. Monet and companions were rejected annually by their audiences in favor of the approved style of naturalism. Monet found his way more expressive and a breathe of fresh air to the art that had been. Impressionist artist captured the essence of a subject rather than the details.

Their play of natural light was emphasized. Close attention was given to the reflection of objects against objects. This style was new to its era and allowed these artists to express themselves accordingly.

The Legend of Zelda is highly regarded in the game world as one of the top five games ranked as high art in the gaming community. The series has had multiple looks and all are used to convey the gameplay accordingly. The biggest turn the series has ever taken was the switch that was taken in The Wind Waker installment.

When the game first debuted it was as all the others had looked, as close as possible to real life. The game was shown a year later with a completely different look as to what was expected. Link the main character came out cartoon like and cel shaded. A complete 360 from what was expected of the series. Miyamoto the creator of the series said the look was changed to extend the series to all ages.

The change was so drastic that many people wondered if two separate games were in development. The game was shunned by fans and critics. Miyamoto was shocked by this reaction and didn’t show the game again until playable a year later. The game was a success. The celda look worked, it added another sense of depth to the game with its vivid colors and smoke and mirrors appeal.

Miyamoto’s choice to change the series was for the better and is now used to distinguish the difference between the realistic version being for the older audience and the celda version being for the younger audience. Both Impressionist and Miyamoto both took ridicule for their radical ideas that would later become industry standards.

Why Do I Game?


So what made me into a gamer? I’m sure we all come across a game at some point in time when we are young, but what makes some stick with it. You hear everyone say well I like Mario, but the last Mario game they played was on the NES. While the last game you played was Galaxy. Is it just in you like Gatorade?

Were your parents gamers and you just got the gaming trait? Mine sure didn’t play games, so where would it come from. I think it’s an escape. The same people who are hardcore gamers were the ones drawing in the back of class. The people that wonder of other worlds and think anything is possible.

A life beyond a life. You live the stories of these characters and play out their very experience. I’ll never forget playing the Ocarina of time and the joy I felt when I first jumped over that gate with my horse. A gamer is a dreamer. We believe in other things and that’s why we game.

Development Report Part 1


I’ve started work on my own game which is code named Knight Time right now. It is a single player 2d zelda-esqe rpg that will focus on new concepts never seen in a 2d rpg. I’m using XNA 3.0 to build it and work began on this about a month ago. I’ve made tremendous strides in the past month but still have a long way to go. I am the sole source of development as of right now, with a couple of artist on board.

The Development Report will be my weekly report on where I am in development. Since I do have resources to artist I am programming the base of the game so that when art is received it can be easily swapped. This includes  menu screens, music, gameplay, and backgrounds. I currently have everything except gameplay programmed.

Which a lot of gameplay is collision and enemy logic which are the toughest things to program. I’ve begun work on collision and from what I’ve experienced this wont be an easy task. Right now I’m on schedule to release a demo by the end of February. The demo will be a fighting dem0nstration to give everybody some sort of idea of how the game plays out.

There is a story for the game right but there are a few revisions that need to be made before anything is said. I will not release  the story but it will be previewed a little when the demo is released.I will also occasionally show screebshots and character art to give a visual update to the game. Knight Time will be my first real endeavor into the gaming world and I hope you all will enjoy it. Pictured above is Demetrius the main character in the game.

Disney Soon to Buy EA?

Disney is no stranger to games but no one would ever think that they would use EA to jump start there gaming endeavor.There are currently rumors that Disney will buy EA. Both EA and Disney being major companies,will EA stand for taking orders from a parent company?


And in desperate attempts this would be desperate attempt number two for EA. The first came when they tried to acquire Ubisoft. Not realizing that the actual concentration is missing in the gaming aspect. They can’t seem to promote or sell anything other than Madden.

Anything else completely falls to the waste side by being sub par. EA established itself as being one of the top publisher/developer companies over the years. This is a title that will soon have no association with the company. Disney’s acquisition of EA will surely bring a change in the company that will officially end EA’s reign over the industry.ea

EA is a franchise driven company but will soon run out of franchises to develop. There are rumors of cancelling Need for Speed after the last three flopped, Facebreaker did absolutely horrible, and the NBA Live series being trumped by NBA2k.

For now they can enjoy Madden selling like hot cakes and Burnout Paradise being their last good game. As for Disney I’m sure they will give them full control over game development, but as EA will be busy incorporating Disney’s plans into development while at the same time going back to the drawingboard for each and every franchise except Madden there will be no time for hostile takeovers in the coming years. Only decisions that will make or break the company over time.

My Wii and Me

Growing up Nintendo I was that guy that would take a bullet when people came to talk bad about the big N. Becoming a developer changed my views a lot when you realize certain decisions just aren’t that sound for gamers. During the Gamecube era Nintendo didn’t have many friends. This was also the hardest time I ever had defending my company.nintendo_wii_tennis

I always loved their philosophy of incorporating everyone in play, but I don’t share their same beliefs in what a gamer wants and doesn’t want. Instead of saying mature we’re going to use the word complex. A lot of Nintendo titles lack complex material, even some of their games that are actually supposed to be more complex than normal. The Legend of Zelda series is as deep as it goes when it comes to complexity, with Metroid ranking second. I only put it second because Metroid barely has a storyline to tell of.

None of these titles have the same artistic view as normal games such as Bioshock and Metal Gear Solid. Between the two I can say that they are two of the best games I have ever played in my life but between the everything on Nintendo I can say The Wind Waker was the best Zelda game I have ever played but certainly not the best game.zelda

There was a little bit of an abnormality when RE4 was released which this was the best game I had ever played up until MGS4. But games like RE4 are the exact games that aren’t on Nintendo’s system that everyone else was trying to tell me about years ago. I don’t down Nintendo’s theory on getting everyone to play but they are closer to being a toy company than a game developer.


They want to consider themselves in a different league than Sony and Microsoft, but you’re not, your a game company just like everyone else. I believe Nintendo will once again fall if they continue their weak efforts in making games. The gamer will take continue to play games as mothers grandma’s and uncle Stan will find something else to do once satisfied.

Nintendo has always been a profitable company, money is no new issue to them just as being number 1 in the industry and falling to dead last is also. I still have my Wii for Monster Hunter 4 but other than the occasional Smash Bros battle nothing happens with my Wii.

Gears of War 2 Not Top Dog on Xbox Live?


There have been hordes of news about how GOW2 has yet to become the number one active Xbox live game. At first it would seem as though this was because of the horribly buggy match making when the game launched. But even after it was fixed in addition to a new map pack the number of live players is still the same.

I think what we are all failing to look at is shear numbers. Not to mention the fact that they released a map pack right after launch. Many gamers don’t have the game and a lot more haven’t even purchased yet. While the rest of us are still trying to learn where the torque bow is on certain levels. So I really wouldn’t expect a huge surge in activity due to extra content that I have to pay for. I can even admit as a hardcore Gears fan I have yet to purchase the map pack because its not necessary.

The games GOW2 is trailing have all sold at least 6 million copies with the exception of World at War.We are looking at Halo, CoD4, and CoD5 while GOW2 is sitting pretty around maybe 2.5 million right now. Even if all the players who own GOW2 got on at the same time it wouldn’t amount to half of the Halo or CoD4 players.

As time passes  I am sure we will see more live activity from Gears but as for now it’s simply impossible to catch the leaders.Even though 3rd place isn’t exactly horrible on a system that relies solely on it’s online component.

Ninja Blade Not Ninja Gaiden


The world is full of knock offs. Wii and the Vii, Mii and Avatars, iPhone and Instinct. The true question is how good the second measures up to the first. Game developer From Software is developing a ninja action game called Ninja Blade which looks incredibly close to Ninja Gaiden.

When I first heard of the game I didn’t too much care because, how bad could a Ninja Gaiden clone be considering how good Ninja Gaiden is. Being a developer you pay close attention to the actual developer of a game more so than the title or game itself.

After a bit of research I found the developer to be From Software who worked on much of the Tenchu franchise and Armored Core series amongst other titles, none of these games being too top notch. The nail in the coffin came when a  game by the title of Forever Kingdom surfaced on the list. This was one of the worst games I had ever played in my life that summer I worked at Six Flags when I was 16.

After finding that they were the  developers of Forever Kingdom I am no longer sitting on the fence but in the opposing yard throwing rocks. As for now Ninja Blade itself would have to prove me wrong and nothing else because I refuse to believe after playing the monstrosity that was Forever Kingdom. I believe in second chances and anything could happen but I think Ninja Blade will be a lost cause when released.